Merge Queue: First Class Nx Support
Merge QueueTrunk Merge Queue, through its Parallel Queues feature, can dynamically create new merge queues to test only the pull requests with potential conflicts together. While Parallel Mode can be used by any repo, we provide an easy way to start using Parallel Queues on Bazel repos through our GitHub action, requiring practically no setup.
Today, we’re providing even more first-class support for parallel queues with the release of our GitHub Action for Nx repos using Parallel Queues. Now, enjoying the benefits of using Parallel Merge Queues is easier than before on your Nx repos - you set up the GitHub action, and Trunk takes care of pulling the relevant information out of your PRs, making sure it only tests the pull requests that actually have a chance of breaking each other together. Power like this allows your merge queue to continue to scale effortlessly, preventing needlessly long lines of pull requests waiting to get tested and merged.
Not using Nx or Bazel? You can still get started with Parallel Queues by using our Public API! The majority of build tools like Nx and Bazel make it easy to pull out information on what sections of code your PRs is impacting - for more guidance with this, reach out in our community slack. More GitHub actions supporting other tools like Turborepo are coming soon to continue to make parallel queues as easy to leverage as possible for any build tool.